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This app is designed to allow users to order from the local restaurants in their area, while comparing the the items against each other.

I started off by creating a few personas based on user research I conducted on current users of existing apps in the market to discover problems users were having that have not yet been addressed.


From these Personas, a User Journey Map was developpped 

03. Restaurant App Personas (V2)- Hiroshi.jpg
03. Restaurant App Personas [Leticia] (V2).jpg
05. User Journey Map Leticia(V1).jpg

A competitive audit was conducted to discover what strategies and designs the lead competitors were achieving with, and which were failing.

With the data collected, I created a User Flow Chart to show the narrative that the ideal user would follow for the upcoming project.

with that created, I started working on paper wireframes of the pages for the design.

With the paper wireframes drawn out, chose elements from various designs of each page and created the digital wireframes and built a lo-fi prototype of the core user journey, along with other possible future features.

The lo-fi prototype underwent 2 rounds of user testing. The data was gathered, grouped and sorted into an affinity map to discover what the fatal flaws of the product were.

After updates to the design were finalized, mockups were made, and converted into hi-fi prototypes for final testing and development.

The final design can be interacted with here

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